


●御影石(みかげいし) Mikage Stone






Mikage Stone is another name for granite. Granite is a type of igneous rock that was formed when magma deep underground cooled and solidified slowly without coming to the surface. Originally, the name meant stone produced in Sumiyoshi Mikage Town, Hyogo Prefecture, but later came to refer to all granite regardless of its place of production.

-Hard stone quality and high durability
It is a very hard stone that is resistant to weathering and has excellent durability. Taking advantage of such stone quality, it has been used in many exterior parts of buildings such as shrine gates, stone walls, and houses.

-High degree of freedom in processing
It is hard and fine-grained, so it is also excellent for processing. With a "hon-polished finish," you can bring out the original color and luster of the stone. In addition, with a "jet burner finish," you can create an appearance close to the natural rock surface.

-Wide variety
It is produced not only in Japan but also in various countries. The colors and patterns vary depending on the components contained, so there are a wide variety of types. Domestic granite is mostly white or gray, while overseas there are also reddish and yellowish granite.

- Beautiful appearance
One of the characteristics of granite is that its patterns and colors are very beautiful. For this reason, it is often used not only for exteriors but also for interior kitchens and kitchen counters. It is also ideal for creating a luxurious feel.

●庵治石(あじいし)|香川県産 Aji stone from Kagawa Prefecture






Granite found only in the Aji region, located in the northeastern part of Kagawa Prefecture. Aji is known as one of the three major stone producing areas in Japan, and Aji stone is known as the "diamond of granite" as the world's finest stone. Due to its fine grain, luster, beautiful grain, and strong durability, it is loved by many people who are particular about their stone and use it for a wide range of purposes such as sculptures, lanterns, and gravestones.

-Elegant mottled "fu"
The surface of Aji stone has a rare mottled pattern called "fu" that looks like it has been moistened. When polished, the surface of the stone shows a fantastic double kasuri pattern.

-Beautiful mirror-like luster
By carefully polishing it many times, it gives off an elegant luster. Not only is it beautiful in appearance, but polishing it creates durability that exceeds the natural characteristics of the stone, and it will maintain its beautiful appearance forever.

-The finest Aji Fine Grain
Made of crystals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica, it is classified into fine, medium-fine, and medium grains depending on the size of the grain (crystals). The finest grade Aji Fine Grain Stone takes on a fresh luster when polished, and its appearance is exceptional.

-Hard and durable
It is harder than other granites, and the stone does not crumble easily during processing, making it suitable for fine workmanship. It does not absorb water easily, is resistant to weathering and deterioration, and is highly durable, so it is resistant to discoloration and deterioration even when used outdoors for many years.

●花沢石(はなざわいし)|愛知県産 Hanazawa stone from Aichi Prefecture





Hanazawa stone is a representative white granite produced in Aichi Prefecture. It is produced from Mt. Rokusho, one of the three sacred mountains of Mikawa, located in Hanazawa-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture. It is said to have been mined since around 1887, and has long been popular in Aichi Prefecture as a material for gravestones and carvings.

-Strong and ideal for carving
The defining feature of Hanazawa stone is its strong "stickiness". The stone has just the right amount of hardness, making it easy to process and suitable for carving intricate details. It is preferred by local craftsmen for carvings such as stone towers and Buddhist statues.

-Even and fine stone surface
It has a fine texture, low water absorption, and high durability. Its regular grain is even and has a good shine.

-A stone with a long history
It is used in many stone sculptures, such as the seated statue of Dainichi Nyorai at Miidera (Shiga Prefecture), the head temple of the Tendai sect, the seated statue of Dengyo Daishi at Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei (Shiga Prefecture), the head temple of the Tendai sect, and the Sumeru Doji and Roku Jizo statues in the British Museum.

●真壁石(まかべいし)|茨木県産 Makabe stone from Ibaraki Prefecture


Makabe stone is granite quarried in the Makabe district of Sakurai City, Ibaraki Prefecture. This area has long been known as a source of high-quality granite, and was known as "Hitachi Ko Mikage" until the Meiji period. It is the stone material used in Akasaka Imperial Villa, and is known as a representative of domestically produced Mikage, especially in the Kanto region. It is characterized by a gentle bluish color that deepens with age. The appeal of Makabe stone is that it is resistant to weathering, but develops a unique character the more it is used. Although it does not absorb water easily, it has good drainage and the beautiful stone grain can be enjoyed for many years.


●夏山石(なつやまいし)|愛知県産 Natsuyama stone from Aichi Prefecture


White granite has long been popular in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, the city most famous for stone carving in Japan. It is called Natsuyama stone because it is mined in the Natsuyama area of ??Okazaki City. The stone is soft and sticky among granites, making it easy to carve into intricate details, and is often used for lanterns and stone Buddha statues in the Chubu region. It can also be mined in large, long shapes, so it is also used for torii gates and stone monuments. It is said to absorb water easily, but when it comes to lanterns, moss easily grows on them, so it blends in with the garden and gives off a stone texture.


●伊達冠石(だてかんむりいし)|宮城県産 Datekanmuri stone from Miyagi Prefecture


Datekanmuri Stone is an andesite quarried from Mt. Okura in southern Miyagi Prefecture. It is known as a high-quality stone with fine grain and one of the world's best compressive strengths. It is a rare stone with a high iron content, with an oxidized brown exterior and black interior. It is mainly used for sculptures and stone towers. With its beautiful contrast between the two colors and its one-of-a-kind appearance, Date Kan Stone has fascinated many artists. When polished, the black interior becomes visible, but over time it gradually oxidizes and changes to the color of iron rust. It is also characterized by its low moisture absorption and weathering resistance.


●蛭川錆石(ひるがわさびいし)|岐阜県産 Hirugawa rust stone | Gifu Prefecture


Hirugawa rust stone is a rare type of granite with a yellowish or reddish rust color. It is a stone that is only mined around the Hirukawa River in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture. Its surface is popular and it is used widely for building materials, torii gates, sculptures, and more.


●来待石(きまちいし)|島根県産 Kimachi stone from Shimane Prefecture





This tuffaceous sandstone is quarried on the southern shore of Lake Shinji in Shimane Prefecture (Kimachi area, Shinjicho, Matsue City). It is characterized by its soft, warm color and stone surface. It is known as the stone material for the nationally designated traditional craft "Izumo stone lanterns".

-A stone loved throughout the ages
Kimachi stone has a long history, and after being used for stone coffins and stone chambers in the Kofun period, it was widely used from the Kamakura period for stone towers, stone Buddha statues, everyday items such as stoves and stone mills, garden stones, and building materials. In the Edo period, it was so highly valued that the lord of Matsue forbade it from being taken outside the domain. In the late Edo period, Kimachi stone products such as stone lanterns and lion dogs became popular and spread throughout the country. It is currently known as the stone material for the nationally designated traditional craft "Izumo stone lanterns".

-Characterized by a deep brown color and a warm expression
The gentle texture and stone surface unique to sandstone are highly valued. The stone has dense particles, is soft, and is easy to cut and process, resulting in elegant and graceful works.

-Texture that fits the aesthetic sense of wabi-sabi
When cut, it has a bluish tinge, but as the moisture gradually evaporates, it changes to a tasteful soft brown texture. This ease of weathering leads to fragility, but the Japanese have found it attractive. Even new products have a sense of antiqueness, are prone to moss, and blend in with nature, making it an indispensable item in Japanese gardens.

●八女石(やめいし)|福岡県産 Yame stone from Fukuoka prefecture

八女石(やめいし)は、福岡県八女市山内・八女郡上陽町・黒木町一帯で産出される 凝灰岩。7 万年前に阿蘇山が大噴火した際の火山灰が固まった推積物です。黄色の小さな軽 石や黒曜岩(マグまからできた天然ガラス)がレンズ状に交じっているのが特徴です。
比較的柔らかい石質で、彫刻しやすく、主に石塔・石彫・石仏・灯篭などに使われます。 また、苔が付きやすいので、月日が経つほど深まる 和の風情は趣があり、景色にも奥行が出てきます。

Yame stone is a tuff produced in the Yamauchi area of ??Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture, and the areas of Kamiyo and Kurogi towns in Yame County. It is a deposit formed when volcanic ash solidified during the great eruption of Mount Aso 70,000 years ago. It is characterized by small yellow pumice and obsidian (natural glass made from magma) mixed in like lenses. It is a relatively soft stone that is easy to carve, and is mainly used for stone towers, stone carvings, stone Buddha statues, and lanterns. It also grows moss easily, and the Japanese atmosphere that deepens over time is charming and adds depth to the scenery.


●唐津石(からついし)|佐賀県産 Karatsu stone from Saga Prefecture


Karatsu stone is an andesite quarried in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture. Because it is soft and easy to carve, it was widely used for sculptures and gravestones, mainly in northern Kyushu, until around the Showa era, but nowadays it has become a rare stone material due to the popularity of granite. Karatsu stone is characterized by its subdued brownish color.


●竜山石(たつやまいし)|兵庫県産 Tatsuyama stone from Hyogo Prefecture






Tatsuyama stone is characterized by its soft pale blue and yellow colors. It is produced in Takasago City, Hyogo Prefecture. It has a history of quarrying dating back 1,700 years, and has been used for various purposes and occasions throughout the ages. During the Kofun period, it was popular as a stone coffin for the great kings and powerful clans, and later it was used in stone art such as Gorinto and stone Buddha statues, and was widely used as a structural material for architecture such as the isogaki fences of Himeji Castle and Akashi Castle. It is also used in modern architecture such as the Fukiage Gyoen Gardens of the Imperial Palace, the National Diet Building, the Sumitomo Bank Head Office Building, and many shrines and temples. There are many unique charms of Tatsuyama stone that have allowed it to be used in a variety of occasions throughout the ages.

-Three pastel tones and a soft stone surface
Three colors of blue, yellow, and red are produced from the same Tatsuyama stone mountain, and are called "Blue Dragon Stone," "Yellow Dragon Stone," and "Red Dragon Stone." Red is almost never produced today, and is considered very rare. All of them are characterized by their soft and gentle colors. By polishing with water, it becomes a matte texture that is gentle on the skin, giving it an elegant and soft impression.

-Easy to process finely
It is a relatively soft stone with a uniform viscosity, making it easy to carve and process finely, and has been popular for stone carvings such as stone art. Many stones have a limit to how thin they can be because they break when made thin, but Tatsuyama stone is less likely to break, so we produce thinner and lighter products than other ISHIMO products.

-Excellent acid resistance and fire resistance
Tatsuyama stone was originally created when magma that erupted at the bottom of a lake was rapidly cooled by the lake water. Therefore, it has excellent acid resistance and is resistant to weathering, and is often used as a building stone for outdoor use. It is also highly fire-resistant, and these properties are utilized in stone ovens and fireplaces.

-Excellent water absorption
It is highly absorbent, and water droplets that fall on the stone penetrate the stone well. Taking advantage of its water absorption, ISHIMO produces coasters and drying plates. Additionally, if you want to use it on dishes or other items that you don't want to absorb oil, we apply a plant-based waterproof coating.

●那智黒石(なちぐろいし)|三重県産 Nachi black stone from Mie Prefecture

那智黒石は磨くほどに漆黒の輝きを増します。 熊野産の那智黒石に似た、那智黒石と呼ばれる外国産の黒い石も出回っていますが、黒の深さやきめの細やかさは全く異なります。 そのため、熊野産の本当の那智黒石を「本那智黒石」とも呼びます。

Nachi black stone is characterized by its smooth surface and deep black color, which is made up of fine particles. It is only mined in Kamikawa-cho, Kumano City, Mie Prefecture, and production is decreasing year by year, making it a rare and expensive stone. It is easy to process finely, and has been used since ancient times mainly for black stones for go stones and inkstones. Historically, Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty brought it as a souvenir as a raw material for go stones. The more Nachi black stone is polished, the more it shines black. There are foreign black stones called Nachi black stones on the market that look similar to Kumano Nachi black stones, but the depth of the black color and fineness of the grain are completely different. For this reason, real Nachi black stone from Kumano is also called "Hon Nachi black stone." 

●福田石(ふくだいし)|香川県小豆島産 Fukuda stone from Shodoshima, Kagawa Prefecture





Shodoshima is surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Seto Inland Sea and is a popular location for many movies and dramas, including "Twenty-Four Eyes." It is about an hour by ferry from Okayama, Himeji, and Takamatsu. You can also easily visit by high-speed boat. It boasts the largest olive production in Japan, and is also known as a producer of soy sauce and somen noodles. It is also famous as a stone production area since ancient times.

Shodoshima was born when a huge granite rock, which was formed by the slow cooling and solidification of magma deep underground, underwent crustal movement about 80 million years ago and rose above the sea. It is truly an island that can be called a "treasure trove of stone." In particular, stone known as "Shodoshima stone" is quarried in the northeastern part of the island and is often used in the stone walls of Osaka Castle. The stone was transported on stone ships and rafts. Since then, the demand for stone has been high, and quarrying and processing techniques have improved.

On Shodoshima, stones that were not used in castle construction remain under the name "Zannen Ishi" (Regretful Stones), and they still tell us the history of the "culture of stone." Representative "Shodoshima stone" includes Omiishi, which was used for stone walls, and Obeishi, which is characterized by its bright, pale green color, but "Fukuda stone," which is used in ISHIMO's natural stone series, is also famous. Fukuda stone (granite/rusty stone) is characterized by its unusual grain, a mixture of white and rust.

●安山岩(あんざんがん)|香川県小豆島産 Andesite from Shodoshima, Kagawa Prefecture




Shodoshima is surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Seto Inland Sea and is a popular location for many movies and dramas, including "Twenty-Four Eyes." It is about an hour by ferry from Okayama, Himeji, and Takamatsu. You can also easily visit by high-speed boat. It boasts the largest olive production in Japan, and is also known as a producer of soy sauce and somen noodles. It is also famous as a stone production area since ancient times.

Shodoshima was born when a huge granite rock, which was formed by the slow cooling and solidification of magma deep underground, underwent crustal movement about 80 million years ago and rose above the sea. It is truly an island that can be called a "treasure trove of stone materials." In particular, stones called "Shodoshima stone" are quarried in the northeastern part of the island and are often used in the stone walls of Osaka Castle. The stones were loaded onto stone ships and rafts and transported. Since then, the demand for stone materials has been high, and quarrying and processing techniques have improved.

Andesite from Shodoshima was widely used for the stone walls of Nakayama Senmaida and the Inoshika fence. It is often used as a scenic stone in Japanese gardens, and is a popular stone used in its original form as andesite. The dark brown texture creates a luxurious feel. When cut, the surface is deep gray with a wood grain-like texture, creating a striking contrast with the surface.