黒御影石 Black Granite
7,000円(税込7,700円)天然石の自然の冷たさで、ワインボトルをひんやり保管できます。The natural coolness of the natural stone keeps your wine bottles cool.
11,000円(税込12,100円)プレゼントにも最適なISHIMOオリジナル商品、黒御影石の杖立て。This black granite cane stand is an original ISHIMO product that makes a perfect gift.
36,500円(税込40,150円)邪気が入るとされる鬼門を清浄に保つための、鬼門石。The Kimon stone is used to keep the Kimon, which is said to be the entrance for evil spirits, pure.
SPECIAL ORDER黒御影石、伝統工芸士による手彫りのお地蔵さん。This Jizo statue is made of black granite and hand-carved by a traditional craftsman.
70,000円(税込77,000円)故人を普段の生活の中でもいつも身近に感じるための、手元供養。A memorial service that allows you to feel close to the deceased even in your everyday life.