石仏 - Stone buddha -
- 真壁石・蛭川石 手彫り地蔵 Hand-carved Jizo statues made from Makabe and Hirugawa stones
- ISHIMOオリジナル地蔵 ISHIMO Original Jizo
- 来待石 手彫り地蔵 Hand-carved Jizo statues made from Kimachi Stone
- 花沢石 手彫り地蔵 Hand-carved Jizo statues made from Hanazawa stone
- 八女石・下浦石 手彫り地蔵 Hand-carved Jizo statues made from Yame and Shimoura stones
- 観音菩薩 Goddess of Mercy
We have a selection of stone Buddha statues and sculptures hand-carved by artisans, including Jizo, Kannon, lanterns, and stone lanterns. From small sizes that are easy to incorporate into your interior design, to full-scale stone sculptures that are perfect for Japanese gardens. We also offer custom-made products.
SPECIAL ORDERわずか13cmの、職人の手彫りによる、小さなお地蔵さま。This tiny Jizo statue is just 13cm in size and hand-carved by a craftsman.
20,000円(税込22,000円)わずか13cmの、職人の手彫りによる、小さなお地蔵さま。This tiny Jizo statue is just 13cm in size and hand-carved by a craftsman.
20,000円(税込22,000円)わずか13cmの、職人の手彫りによる、小さなお地蔵さま。This tiny Jizo statue is just 13cm in size and hand-carved by a craftsman.
20,000円(税込22,000円)わずか13cmの、職人の手彫りによる、小さなお地蔵さま。This tiny Jizo statue is just 13cm in size and hand-carved by a craftsman.
20,000円(税込22,000円)わずか13cmの、職人の手彫りによる、小さなお地蔵さま。This tiny Jizo statue is just 13cm in size and hand-carved by a craftsman.
40,000円(税込44,000円)ほっこり優しい表情と丸みが可愛い、手彫り地蔵。This hand-carved Jizo statue has a warm, gentle expression and a cute, rounded shape.
SPECIAL ORDERレリーフ調の手彫りのお地蔵様が合掌している石像です。This is a hand-carved stone relief statue of Jizo with his hands together in prayer.
50,000円(税込55,000円)レリーフ調の手彫りのお地蔵様が、お花を抱えた愛らしい石像。An adorable stone statue of a hand-carved Jizo statue in relief style holding a flower.
50,000円(税込55,000円)レリーフ調の手彫りのお地蔵様。子どもを抱き抱えているお姿です。A hand-carved relief-style Jizo statue holding a child.
80,000円(税込88,000円)自然石の風合いを残した、日本らしい落ち着いた風合いの仏様。This Buddha statue has a calm, Japanese feel that retains the texture of natural stone.
90,000円(税込99,000円)恋愛、結婚、出産にご利益のある愛染明王。Aizen Myoo is said to grant blessings in love, marriage, and childbirth.
90,000円(税込99,000円)さまざまなご利益のある千手観音様。The Thousand-Armed Kannon is said to grant various benefits.